M3’s Strong Carrier Relationship Benefits Client

Manufacturing & Distribution, Property & Casualty


Herkowski Stickler & Associates (HSA)


HSA Rep and HSA of Illinois serve as manufacturer representatives for the plumbing industry. Both entities function under one owner, Herkowski Stickler & Associates (HSA). Recently, both were facing daunting insurance policy challenges. For HSA Rep, a single large claim led to a non-renewal on its auto policy. For HSA Illinois, a single large claim, this time on a workers’ compensation policy, led to a non-renewal.

When a company is denied renewal, finding another standard insurance carrier becomes extremely difficult. As for the possible alternatives, they likely mean a lot more money will be spent on coverage that’s far from ideal. But better solutions can be found—if a partner is working hard to find them.


M3 immediately began investigating possible options for HSA. This included reaching out to a strong underwriter connection at The Hartford. M3 made it clear to The Hartford that HSA’s recent large claims were essentially anomalous occurrences—especially in relation to its strong overall account record. For its part, The Hartford stepped up in a big way as it explored possible paths to writing both HSA accounts. Ultimately, The Hartford and M3 found a solution for HSA, highlights of which include the following:

  • Fruitful back-and-forth between The Hartford and M3 resulted in new auto and workers’ compensation policies for HSA.
  • Because both HSA entities have the same ownership, The Hartford placed them on the same policy, which added an element of convenience for HSA and resulted in reduced premiums.
  • Since The Hartford offers a more extensive line of specialty coverages than HSA’s previous carrier, M3 was able to secure cyber liability and significantly expanded employment practices liability insurance (EPLI).
  • Thanks to The Hartford’s hard work, HSA ended up with better overall coverage than before.

Relationships matter. There really are extraordinary carriers out there, and M3 fosters our connections with them. That can play a crucial role in helping our clients overcome serious challenges.

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